José Salgado-Borges



José Salgado-Borges is the Clinical Director of Clinsborges

Graduated in Medicine at the Medical School of Porto and carried out a Fellowship at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He obtained his PhD degree at the Faculty of Medicine of Porto (Ophthalmology), in 1990. From 1976-1998 he was Assistant Professor at the Medical School of Porto; between 1990-1998 accumulated this function of Clinical Assistant at the Hospital S. João.

Between 1998 and 2013 was the Director of Ophthalmology Department of Hospital S. Sebastião (CHEDV), Santa Maria da Feira and, since 1995, he is the Director of Ophthalmology Clinic Prof. J. Salgado-Borges (Clinsborges).

Main Topics of Interest:

  • Dry Eye and Ocular Surface Diseases
  • Tomography and Biomechanics of the Cornea and Anterior Segment
  • Keratoconus – Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Quality of Vision after Cataract and Refractive Surgery

His main surgical fields of interest are anterior segment surgery (cataract surgery and cornea/refractive surgery). In the last 20 years has performed more than 2200 refractive procedures, about 800 corneal transplants and approximately 15000 surgeries of cataract and glaucoma.

Received 31 national and international awards and presented in the form of oral communications/poster or videos, 915 works in national and international scientific meetings. Participated as a speaker or moderator at 102 Courses, Seminars or Round Tables, 39 of which are of International. Published 171 papers (41 as first author), 54 of which were published in Indexed international journals (20 as first author).

He is still Reviewer and Member of the Editorial Board of several National and International Journals and Ambassador for Portugal of TFOS (Tear Film and Ocular Society).